Rabu, 09 September 2009

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009


SMA PANGUDI LUHUR jogja terletak dipusat kota JOGJA semula adalah sekolah guru A (atas dipersiapkan menjadi guru SMP) khusus putra yang didirikan olehpara imam jesuit pada APRIL 1042,tapi tanggal 9 AGUSTUS sekolah diserahkan pada bruder FIC,dan pada taun 1965 dikelola secara resmi oleh yayasan PANGUDI LUHUR milik para bruder FIC

tahun 1973 SGAK ini kemudian berbah menjadi SPG dan menerima siswi putri,setelah perjalanan panjang,perubahan kurikulum terjadi tahun 1989.pada tahun tersebutSPG berubah menjadi SMA setelah 2 tahun sebelumnya pindah gedungsekolah ke JL.SENOPATI(hingga sekarang)

kini SMA PANGUDI LUHUR sudah banyak mengalami kemajuan yang cukup pesat terutama dari segi fasilitas dan segi sumber daya manusia di dalamnya,sehingga tak heran jika mendapat akreditasi A pada tahun 2005


SMA Pangudi Luhur Jogja merupakan tempat mewujudkan komunitas iman dengan cara menempatkan Yesus Kristus Sang Guru sejati sebagai pusat hidup dalam upaya membangun persaudaraan sejati serta menanggung karya bersama dalam pendampingan kaum muda menuju PRIBADI dewasa, beriman, berpengetahuan, terampil, bermartabat, berbudi pekerti luhur, dan terbuka menghadapi tantangan zaman.


Membantu, mendampingi siswa menemukan potensi yang dimiliki untuk dikembangkan secara optimal serta melatih siswa mandiri, bertanggung jawab, bermartabat, dan berbudi pekerti luhur, menghargai, menghormati, sesamanya dan menerima diri sebagai pribadi yang unik sehingga menjadi pribadi dewasa.

Rabu, 29 Juli 2009

› What is Screamo

Screamo is a small tight knit grassroots musical community. It is linked directly to emo (yet another thing most of you kids know next to nothing about). Screamo emerged in the early mid 90's both in the states and in parts of europe, some early screamo bands were Anomie, Saetia, Portraits Of Past, and Orchid. Screamo proved to be a faster more abrasive counter part to it's parent genre emotive hardcore (emo). Some key active screamo bands today are: Loma Prieta, Danse Macabre, Ampere, Comadre, and La Quiete.

For your info:

  • screamo is not popular
  • screamo is not mainstream
  • screamo is not featured on the warped tour
  • screamo is not for sale at hot topic
  • screamo is not trendy bullshit
  • screamo is not on tv
  • screamo is not on radio

Now for the final key pieces of info: NO, screaming does not make you "screamo", screamo is deemed as such based on the actual music, sure the vocals come into play but it has most to do with the actual music, for example Neil Perry, Yaphet Kotto and a few others have actual written completely instrumental screamo songs.

The following bands are not screamo: underoath, silverstein, alesana, bless the fall, the used, from first to last etc. These bands are aggresive modern rock/edgy pop punk with accented screamed vocals.


You'll beat me?
Bring it on, bring it on
You're gonna save the day?
Bring it on, bring it on
You Ready?
Bring it on
I'll show you another thing or two

You may think you're clever, but you're not
You better get the coffins out
Trust me kid that's where you're sleeping tonight

There's no guarantee we'll get out alive
Stop your whining, let's get busy
Baby, it's time to lock and load
Stop your whining, let's get busy

Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
It's a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day

You may think you've won, but I promise you it's not over

This could be our one last chance to finally rise up
So here we stand and here we will fight
None of us shall run from anyone
Storms are gathering

There's no guarentee we'll get out alive
Stop your whining, let's get busy
We have to rise above and fight
We'll be heroes

Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
It's a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day

This is the part where you are supposed to scream
When you scream, we'll be heroes

Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
It's a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will always save the day
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day
Let's save the world
Heores will always save the day